Railway sector
Solutions for the management and monitoring of the railway electricity network.

RailWay is a software platform for the geographical management of railway networks designed for the integration of data on thematic maps. The project was born from the idea of standardizing the vision of the data present within the FS company by making it available to a large number of users through a simple and immediate geographical interface. Inside the railway structure it is common to see staff busy uploading archives (in Access, DBIII or Excel), into which the most disparate data are entered: circulation regimes, operational maintenance plans, investment planning, anomaly detection , etc.
Although these archives have their own specific applications and are intended for different sectors, they have a common characteristic: each information inserted refers to a particular route or station present in the railway network. By means of RailWay it will be possible to connect all the archives together through associative links managed in a uniform manner by the reference map. Similarly, we will be able to create customized maps of our choice aimed at better interpreting the data. However, all the information remains directly usable in traditional applications.
Its strong point is that it allows the user to create and manage railway networks with automated procedures and with the use of advanced tools born from the research that Futura Sistemi has carried out in recent years. RailWay provides the user with various functions designed to make network management more efficient, offering tools such as route search, linking documents or images and the GPS integration module.
Who needs RailWay:
- Anyone who has data or documents located on routes and stations
- Managers to monitor the status of the systems and the activities carried out
- Technicians for plant management
Governa is a software package for managing the activities of state railway personnel developed specifically to allow better planning of maintenance activities of the railway electricity network. The package is divided into the following sections:
CONSULT: allows you to consult the regulations relating to the elementary maintenance operations of electrical systems
PROCESS: allows you to insert the bodies and/or components that require maintenance and plan the activities required by law
APPLY: allows the programming of the activities foreseen in the contracted and approved planning
Who needs Governa in the railway sector
- Anyone who has data or documents located on routes and stations
- Managers to plan and monitor the status of the systems and the activities carried out
- Technicians for plant management